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Special Supportive Services

Service animals provide invaluable support for many disabled people worldwide and help them regain their confidence and be active members of society. Regardless of how beneficial a service dog can be for a person with physical and/or mental impairments, raising and training this type of assistance animal is always accompanied by a lot of expenses. Unfortunately, these costs, can be prohibitively high and prevent many people from benefiting from the tasks a service animal can be trained to perform for them.

Having said that, we ServiceDog Training School International together with our partners from Psychiatric Assistance Dog Association, have decided to make our services even more affordable and easy to access for disabled people worldwide. As part of our initivate we have added the current page to our website, which specifically refers to veterans and individuals with lower income. Our goal has always been to remove the obstacles for those, who are in need of a service animal but do not have the finances to obtain one.

In order to ensure that our services will be properly used by people in need only, we kindly ask you to read the information below, prior to requesting a special discount code. You will find details on what steps you should take to receive financial support in the form of a discount code.

Application for Veterans

Thank you for your interest in our training programs! In order to qualify for our special supportive services, you must:

  • 1. Be a military veteran;
  • 2. Have physical and/or a mental disability which occurred during/after your military service and is directly related to it;
  • 3. Have a medical letter as proof of your need for a service animal.

Please read and fill out the application form below:

Personal Information
Military Service
Licensed Health Care Practitioner (LHCP)
Accept Only Image Or PDF File; Maximum Upload Size: 10 MB
Dog Information

Our team representative will contact you within 24 hours. You might be asked additional questions, in order for our team to verify that you qualify for a service dog and are able to properly train and take care of a service dog.

Any personal information you may reveal will be kept confidential and won’t be shared with third parties.