If you read our articles regularly or have made your own research, you already know that the status of Service Animals in the US is regulated by ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). If you are a Florida citizen, you may want to know more about the service dog laws and training organizations in your state.
Definition of Service Dogs in Florida
Animals must be trained to perform specific tasks for the benefit of individuals with a physical, mental, psychiatric, intellectual or sensory disability. These tasks must be directly related to the individual’s disability. The laws in Florida comply with the ADA definition of service animals. Moreover, neither ADA, nor Florida laws accept Emotional Support Animals (ESA) as service animals. These animals provide comfort and must be well-behaved in public spaces, but they are not trained to perform specific tasks.
What Animals Do Laws in Florida Recognize as Service Animals and What Rights Do They Have?
Service animals (dogs and miniature horses) must be granted public accommodation rights. When it comes to housing, other species may also be accepted. ESAs may be denied public access rights due to their non-service animals status.
Business owners are not permitted to charge handlers extra fees due to the presence of a service animal. Charges may be applicable if the service animal does not behave properly and causes damages.
Handlers must supervise the behavior of their animal and ensure that it is not disruptive and undisciplined. Handler-dog teams may be asked to leave if the animal barks (and barking is a part of the tasks that he/she performs), growls and is uncontrollable.
Furthermore, the service animal must be tethered/leashed/harnessed unless the use of any of these devices would interrupt the tasks that the animal performs. If none of these tools can be used, the animal must be able to fulfill voice or hand commands given by their handler.
Documentation as proof of the person’s disability as well as the animal’s training may not be required by business owners. As ADA states, only two questions may be asked:
1. Is the animal a service animal due to a disability;
2. What tasks has he/she been trained to perform.
Housing Rights
Individuals with disabilities accompanied by service animals must be granted full and equal housing access. Extra fees may not be charged by landlords. However, if the animal causes damages, the handler will be required to cover them.
How to Get a Service Dog
ADA gives handlers the opportunity to train their own service dogs. In this case, time, commitment, practice, consistency and a lot of patience are required. However, this is likely to be the most affordable option for many people. In addition, handlers can conduct the training at their own home, determine their own pace, and focus on what is important based on their daily needs. The quality time spent with their furry friend, will contribute to the attachment of the animal to their handler. This is likely to affect positively the ability of the service animal to detect any alterations in the behavior and emotions of their handler and easily recognize symptoms before they occur.
You can also contact a professional trainer or an organization, engaged in service animal training. In this case you will benefit from the professional advice, experience and training approaches applied to the training sessions. Unfortunately, the costs needed to get a trained service dog may reach up to $30-40 000, based on the tasks that the dog needs to be trained to perform and the time that has to be invested in the training process. It may take up to 2 years or more to get a trained service dog.
You can also contact animal shelters near you to get a rescue dog and then train him/her again yourself.
Do not forget, that there are online courses available and depending on the disability and the needed tasks you can find the most suitable curse for you.
As stated in the article’s beginning, along with the service dog laws in Florida we will provide you with information about dog training organizations in Florida that offer service dog training programs or programs for basic and advanced training skills, that every dog must posses in order to become a service dog.
Training Organizations in Florida
1. Mind Your Manners Canine Training
Address: Sheretz Road, Lakeland, Florida 33810, United States
Phone: 863-500-7869
Website: https://mindyourmannersinc.com/
Costs: Vary based on the training program
1. Training Programs:
• One on One Programs:
-Handlers can come to the facility trainers can visit the handlers;
-Basics have been trained;
1. Handlers who come to the facility (One On One)- Cost $100.00 (1 1/2 hour session)
2. Trainers visit handlers (One On One)- Cost $150.00 (1 1/2 hour session)
• 7-Day program:
-The program is designed for leash walking issues only;
-Costs: 7-Day Board & Train Program- $400.00 (payment can be divided into 2 payments of $200.00)
• 21-Day Program:
The program is designed for:
-Dogs over 1 year old;
-Non Aggressive;
-Costs: 21-Day Board & Train Program- $1000.00 (payment can be divided into 2 payments of $500.00).
• Puppy Head start Program:
-This program is designed for puppies and dogs under the age of 1 year;
- Non aggressive dogs;
-Costs: $1,200.00 (payment can be divided into two payment of $600 or three payments of $400).
• Aggression Program:
-This program is designed to correct major aggression issues and correct the dog’s behavior.
2. Service Dog Training;
• Hearing/Visual Guide Dog;
• Wheelchair Guide Dog;
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD);
• Mobility Assistance (Wheelchair, etc.);
• Assisted Animal Therapy (Schools, Hospitals, etc.).
-Costs: can reach up to $50,000. According to the information listed on the organization’s website there are donors, who can raise a major part of the money.
Examples Only:
-If a service dog costs $20,000 the handler will need to pay $5,000;
-If a service dog costs $30,000 the handler will need to pay $7,500;
-If a service dog costs $40,000, handlers will need to pay $10,000;
-If a service dog costs $50,000 handlers will need to pay $12,500.
3. Grooming;
• Full Service Grooming:
-Costs: $35 and up for small breeds; $45 and up for medium breeds; $55 and up for large breeds.
• A Face, Feet, & Tail Grooming:
-Costs: $30.
• The Bath, Brush, and Nails:
-Costs: $20 for small breeds; $25 for medium breeds; $30 for large breeds.
2. Service Dogs For Patriots
Address: 4131 Northwest 13th Street, Suite 104, Gainesville, Florida 32609
Phone: (352) 505-3056
Website: https://servicedogsforpatriots.org/
Costs: Free service dog training for the veteran.
Donations and grants cover the cost of service dog training.
• Service Dog Training for veterans dealing with PTSD
-must be located within 50 miles of Gainesville;
-must be diagnosed with a service-related PTSD and/or service-related anxiety with depression;
-must be discharged, retired, or within a 30 day ETS date (Expiration Term of Service).
-must be active in therapy/group/church counseling program (generally meeting every week) for at least three months;
-must be engaged in regular meetings with psychiatrist or psychologist for PTSD treatment (generally meeting every week);
“Because service dogs are not a cure-all, each veteran should be getting PTSD therapy from a trained professional at least once per week in either a group setting or one-on-one, and should be active in two different types of PTSD treatment continuously during the first year of training”;
-must have a minimum annual income of $28,000;
-no active military duty;
-can not be currently engaged in a drug/alcohol in-patient treatment program; If the veteran was engaged in an in-patient program, at least 3 months from discharge date must have passed;
-must have their own transport to training sessions;
-must be mobile enough to join the weekly training sessions;
-be able to to train in different local public places.
-must weigh over 30 lbs to provide PTSD tasks in public;
-organization’s trainers will assess the dog before the training starts. The evaluation has usually been conducted once the application is approved;
-must be at the minimum age of 18 months and under 4 years at the beginning of the training program;
-must complete basic and intermediate obedience training in a group class. In case that the veteran can not attend the group training sessions a private trainer will be available for them to fulfill this task. The handler will be required to provide proof of completion;
-must be spayed/neutered before the training process begins;
-must be vaccinated up to date including against influenza;
-must be calm and does not behave aggressively towards people or other animals.
3. ASA Service Dogs
Address: 2302 E Edgewood Dr, Lakeland, FL 33803
Phone: 704-323-6650
Email address: asaservicedogs@gmail.com
Website: https://asaservicedogs.org/
Costs: from $5,000 to $25,000
• The organization provides fully trained Service Dogs, Emotional Support Dogs, and Therapy Dogs
-no restrictions in regard to the age of the recipient;
-a customized training plan including the cost, estimated wait time, and list of command and tasks that the assistance dog will perform, adapted to the particular handler;
-there is an option for fundraising, corporate matching, and acquiring grants and financial assistance in case that the handler can not pay the price for receiving a service dog;
-handlers can reach out to the organization for questions, issues or refresher training during the entire dog’s life.
-refresher training takes place at the facility in Lakeland Florida by appointment;
-Certification available: ASA Service Dog Certification, ASA Therapy Dog Certification, and ASA Emotional Support Dog Certification;
-certification testing takes places at the Lakeland store;
-handlers can train their own dogs to become a service dog or obtain a service dog from the organization.
• JR Trainer Kids’ Club
-Children between 8 and 18 years can participate in a club, that takes place fortnightly.
• Puppy Raisers:
-children can participate in a hands-on training with the organization’s temperament tested Assistance Dogs in training;
-children will care for the puppy in their home.
4. Heart & Soul Dog Training
Address: 1990 S US-301, Sumterville, FL 33585
Phone: (352) 278-7404
Email address: Victoria@HeartSoulK9.com, Trainer@HeartSoulK9.com
Website: https://heartsoulk9.com/
Costs: vary based on the program
• Service Dog Program:
1. Premier Service Dog Program (3-mo Board & Train);
Some of the requirements for participation in the program and its features are:
-dog must be at least 9 months old;
-dog needs to pass assessment to start with the training program;
-training sessions can be conducted via video call at the Central Florida farm or in select public locations;
-handlers and dogs in training participate fields trips for training in public;
-costs: $10.500 (option for monthly payment available);
2. Started Service Dog Program (5-wk Board & Train);
Some of the requirements for participation in the program and program’s features are:
-dog must be at least 6 months old, and completely house trained;
-training sessions can be conducted via video call at the Central Florida farm or in select public locations;
-handlers and dogs in training participate fields trips for training in public;
-costs: $6,500 (option for monthly payment available).
3. Personal Training;
-this training option features all the information valid for the training classes except the board & train programs.
-costs: $4,500 (option for monthly payment available);
-this program does not include training equipment or gear.
4. Online School;
This program includes:
1. Service Dog Secrets Training School:
-basic, advanced, and off-leash training;
-service dog skills;
-service dog task training;
-public access training;
-perfect Potty Training System
2. Essential Oils & Dogs
3. Intensive (how to get laser focus from your dog)
-costs: $997 (option for 12 monthly payments of $97/month)
• Training In Central Florida:
1. Board & Train;
-Dogs participated in this program will stay in the trainer’s home on a 5 acre farm for 21 days - fully immersed in their intensive training program;
-the program features establishing new rules and boundaries, socialization with dogs and people;
-3-week full immersion board & train program;
- 4 personal training sessions with the handler: first session- at handler’s home after 3 weeks of residency training, second session- a week after go home, third session- two weeks after go home, and fourth session- a month after go home.
-the dog will learn tasks like: sit, down, heel, come, stay...etc.
-costs: at least $3000. Depending on the tasks and dog’s behavior, he/she may need to stay more time. Additional time will be charged $125/day. An option for monthly payments is available.
2. Personal Training Program;
-weekly private training sessions with handlers and their dogs;
-dogs will learn commands like: sit, come, down, heel, stay, place...etc.
-costs: at least $125 for a single session;
-price package of 4 sessions ($500) and online course ($500)- $600.
3. Online School
-Perfect Potty Training System;
-Essential Oils & Dogs;
-Focus Intensive.
-costs: $500 (or 6 payments of $97).
5. K9 Advisors South Florida Dog Training
Address: 1519 Coolidge St, Hollywood, FL 33020
Phone: 954-923-3440
Website: https://www.k9advisors.com/
Costs: According to the organization’s website: “High standards are maintained and fees for classes are reasonable”
• Protection K9 Training
• Therapy Dog Training
• Behavior Modification
• Potty Training
1. Foundation Lesson – (90 minutes);
-This program is considered the most challenging one. Dogs will be assessed, and handlers will be consulted. All the necessary modifications in the dog’s behavior will be determined.
2. Core Obedience Program – (Five Weeks);
-5 training sessions;
-this program is designed to solve behavioral issues so that the dog will walk on leash at handler’s pace;-
5-weeks / 1 session per week until the wanted behavior is achieved;
3. Intermediate Behavior Modification Program - (Eight Weeks);
-this program covers basic obedience (foundation heel, sit, down, stay, and come) on leash with verbal commands.
-8 weeks / 1-2 sessions per week until the wanted behavior is achieved.
4. Specialized Service Dog Program - (Fourteen Weeks);
-the program covers basic obedience plus distraction training for additional behavioral issues
-14 weeks / 1-2 sessions per week until the wanted behavior is achieved.
Additional Services for Obedience Programs:
• Structured Play;
• Hand Signals Obedience;
• Off Leash Dog Training;
• Family/Owner Protective Safeguard Program;
Additional Services for Protection Programs:
• Puppy Bite Work Training;
• Confidence Building Bite Work;
• Close distance "Alert" and Bite & Release Training;
• Long distance / off leash attack and release on command.
6. The 1 Dog Trainer Academy
Address: 19844 Wiygul Rd Umatilla Fl 32784
Phone: 407-558-0702
Email address for training: the1dogtrainer@gmail.com
Email address for boarding: 1dawgresort@gmail.com
Website: http://the1dogtraineracademy.com/
Costs: Vary depending on the program
• In Home Dog Training Academy:
-1st week includes: on-leash heel, sit, automatic stop and sit, down, stay, on-leash recall back to heel; off-leash sit, down, stay, and recall;
-2nd week includes: field trips for public training at places with distractions;
-the last 3 days: owners will be engaged in learning all the techniques and practicing everything that their dog has been taught.
Costs: $1300
Requirements for participation the “In Home Dog Training Academy”:
-owners must be located within 50 miles from the organization’s home base: 19844 Wiygul Road, Umatilla, Fl 32784.
-handlers can schedule one-time in-home consultation at the price of $75.00. This amount will be credited towards the total amount if the handler enrolls.
-dogs must have proof of: current Rabies, DHLP & Bordetella vaccinations, monthly flea/tick prevention, and heartworm prevention.
• Puppy Academy:
-the program includes command training, training proper manners, socialization with children and other animals as well as proper behavior at home;
Requirements for participation the Puppy Academy:
-puppy’s age- between 12-22 weeks;
-proof of 2 sets of vaccines (for puppy at the minimum age of 16 weeks or older at least one of the vaccines must be against Bordetella and Rabies);
-travel fees are applicable for handlers, who live more then 45 miles from the Academy.
Fees are as follows:
$50 45-64 miles
$75 65-84 miles
$100 85-105 miles
Costs: $850.00
• Basic Obedience Academy:
-this program focuses on teaching dogs obedience commands, along with leash training;
-it will be worked on unwanted behavior and training in-home manners and social skills;
Requirements for participation the Basic Obedience Academy:
-dog’s age- between 6 months and 6 years;
-dogs must have proof of current Rabies, DHLP & Bordetella vaccinations, monthly flea/tick prevention, and heartworm prevention.
-travel fees are applicable for handlers, who live more then 45 miles from the Academy.
Fees are as follows:
$50 45-64 miles
$75 65-84 miles
$100 85-105 miles
Costs: $1,300
$1,100 for Puppy Academy Graduate return for Basic Obedience Academy
• Advanced Obedience Academy
-only dogs who have participated the Puppy Academy and/or Basic Obedience Academy training can enroll in this program;
-this program is 100% focused on off-leash training and training in distracting surroundings.
Requirements for participation in the Advanced Obedience Academy:
-acceptance within the age of 10 months to 4 years;
-dogs must have proof of current Rabies, DHLP & Bordetella vaccinations, monthly flea/tick prevention, and heartworm prevention;
-Travel fees are applicable for handlers, who live more then 45 miles from the Academy.
Fees are as follows:
$50 45-64 miles
$75 65-84 miles
$100 85-105 miles
Costs: $1,300
($1,100 for obedience academy graduate returning for Advanced Academy)
• Service Animal Academy
-dogs must go through a testing process and must have completed the Basic Obedience Academy and qualify for the Advanced Obedience Academy;
-must be non-aggressive, have impulse control, have a stable temperament while in public, be both physical and psychological able to meet the handler’s needs;
-180 hours training of obedience, socialization, public training and individualized training (including 7 days per month of one-on-one training at the facility as needed)
-weekly individual or group training at handler’s home or in public (based on the tasks);
Handbook and owner/trainer log sheets
Service Dog ID and Certificate upon completion of training
Requirements for participation in the Service Animal Academy
-dogs must have been pre-approved, or begin training at the age of 8 weeks specifically for handler’s needs;
-dogs must have proof of current Rabies, DHLP & Bordetella vaccinations, monthly flea/tick prevention and heartworm prevention.
The program includes:
-180 hours training of: obedience, social skills, public training and individualized training (7 days per month of one-on-one training at the Academy as needed)
-individual or group training at handler’s home or in public places (depending on tasks being taught) on a weekly basis;
-handbook and owner/trainer log sheets
-Service Dog ID and Certificate upon completion.
Costs: $6,500-10,500
• Trained dogs for sale, co-raised by the organization
Professionally Acquired and Trained Dogs receive:
-8-10 hours of owners handling;
-training warranty until the dog reaches retirement age;
-medical warranty valid for 2 years from date of purchase;
-leash, collar and/or service vest
Optional Service:
The organization can deliver the dog to a chosen location and provide a 4 day training session in the handler’s home to ease the transition.
In this case an additional fee needs to be paid.
• Boarding @ The 1 Dawg Tired Resort
$40 per night for 1 dog;
$70 per night for 2 dogs;
Bathing rates:
$25 per dog;
Free bath after 10 nights of boarding.
7. Double Six Service Dogs
Address: 1275 North West Lower Springs Road, FL
Phone: 386-937-7453
Email address: doublesixservicedogs@gmail.com
Website: https://doublesixservicedogs.wixsite.com/
Costs: non-profit organization. An initial application fee of $750.00. Payment options are available
The service dog training program, that the organization offers is designed for benefit of Veterans and First Responders. Dogs and veterans are trained as a team.
For the first full year the organization provides:
-spaying/neutering, micro-chipping, vaccinations, flea and tick prevention and worming;
-training equipment including collars, leashes, and kennels if needed and service dog vest for dog in training;
-food and water bowls, a 50 lb. bag of dog food;
-the handler-dog team will receive one full year of training sessions on a weekly basis, including advanced service dog training. The training sessions are AKC approved.
8. Florida Dog Training School
Address: 13014 N Dale Mabry Hwy Suite 645, Tampa, FL 33618
Phone: 813-951-4480
Email address: HScott@FL-K9.com
Website: https://www.fl-k9.com/
Costs: Vary on the Services
• House Training / Puppy Kindergarten
The program includes:
-one session that will last approximately 1,5-2 hours with the handler and their dog. The organization’s trainers will advise the handler on the correct procedures of: housebreaking, feeding, crate training, walking on a leash, socialization, problem prevention, leash walking, biting...etc.
- dogs must be at the minimum age of 2 – 4 months;
• Basic Obedience:
-a six week program;
-training sessions take place at handler’s home, in the dogs own environment.
-a trainer comes once a week for 1 – 1½ hours;
-the dog will be trained the following commands:
Sit, Down, Stay, Heel, Off, Come, OK, No
-dogs must be at the minimum age of 4 months and older;
-dogs must have all vaccinations up to date prior to beginning.
• Advanced Obedience (after completion of basic obedience)
The training program includes:
-4 and 6 lessons that will last about 1-1½ hours each;
-dogs will be trained the commands featured in the basic obedience, but off-leash;
-hand-signals will be trained.
• Behavior Modification
The program is suitable for dogs at all ages
Problems that can be resolved with this program:
Dog aggression, Separation anxiety, Excessive barking, Chewing, Jumping up, Snapping and nipping, Soiling the house...etc.
• Puppy Kindergarten Training Online
-one session will last 1,5-2 hours with the handler and the dog. The trainers will advise the handler on the correct procedures of: housebreaking, crate training, feeding, walking on a leash, socialization, problem prevention, leashes, nipping, biting, and more.
Duration: 30 min
Costs: $65
• Basic Obedience Training Program Online
-30 minute online training. During the session the dog will be trained the following commands:
Sit, Stay, Heel, Down, Off, Come, OK, No
-problem prevention like: jumping, nipping
Duration: 30 min
Costs: $65
• Behavior Modification Training Online
The online program includes the same tasks, as the personal training at handler’s home:
Aggression, Excessive barking, Separation anxiety, Soiling the house, Snapping and Nipping
Duration: 30 min
Costs: $65
9. Off Leash K9 Training
Address: 6200 E Fletcher Ave, Tampa, FL 33637
Phone: (813) 461-6210
Email address: tampabay@offleashk9training.com
Website: https://tampadogtrainers.com/
Costs: Vary on the program
• Basic Obedience Training
-4 week program;
-4 private lessons that last 1 hour;
-1 lesson per week;
-commands trained during the training sessions: “Come,” “Sit,” and “Extended Sit”, “Down” and “Extended Down”, “Place” and "Extended Place", "Out"; “Off” (the dog will be teach to not jump on the handler or anyone else);
-loose leash walking;
-the program includes e-collar and training leash;
-45 min. of daily practice will be required between the sessions;
-lessons are conducted at public parks.
Costs: $625
• 2 Week Board & Train
-2 weeks training program;
-dog will board with a professional trainer
- 6 commands will be trained:
“Sit” (& Extended Sit), “Place” (& Extended Place), “Heel” (On and Off-Leash Walking), “Down” (& Extended Down), “Down” - from Distance, “Off”.
-handling different distractions in different environments
-greeting manners - door manners - meal manners;
-after handlers/owners finish the program, they will receive a one-on-one session (2 hours). They will discuss with the trainer what their canine does, and will be advised on how properly to handle him/her.
-the program includes e-collar and leash;
-owners will receive a video and photo updates on a daily basis.
Costs: $2800
• Basic & Advanced Training
-8 week program;
-8 private lessons;
-first 4 lessons feature commands from Basic Obedience Training;
-final 4 lessons are Advanced Obedience Lessons;
-dogs will be trained extended distance obedience and the commands:
extended distance obedience, “Heel”, "Watch", "Through" command, "Front", "Stand"...etc.;
-the training program includes e-collar and training leash;
-45 min. of daily practice will be required between sessions;
-lessons are conducted at public parks.
Costs: $995
• Advanced Lessons
Upon completion of the Basic & Advanced Obedience Package, handlers may purchase individual Advanced Lessons
The program includes:
-1 hour lessons;
-the training sessions include: extended distance obedience, “Heel”, “Watch”, “Through”, “Stand”, “Front”, Focused heeling, “Touch”...etc.
Costs: $100 per person
• Puppy Training Consultation
-1 hour consultation;
-foundation for basic obedience;
-Introduction of certain commands and how handlers can start the housebreaking process;
-how to communicate with the puppy and shape its behavior.
Costs: $100
• Therapy Dog Preparation
-8 week program;
-8-lesson course prepares handlers and their dogs for therapy dog testing and certification;
-upon successful completion of this program, trainers can evaluate and certify handlers and their dogs through Therapy Pets Unlimited;
-45 min. of daily practice will be required between sessions;
-lessons are conducted at public parks.
Costs: $995
• Aggressive dog Training
-8 week program;
-this program is suitable for dogs with aggression or reactivity behavioral problems around other dogs;
-8-lesson program includes the basic obedience package, and additional lessons that feature working with the handler and the dog around other dogs in different situations;
-45 min of daily practice will be required between sessions;
-lessons are conducted at public parks.
Costs: $995
• 2 Week Board & Train Aggressive Dog
-2 week program;
-the program focuses on obedience training that is completed outside, off-leash, with in surroundings with distractions;
-dogs will be trained:
“Sit” and Extended Sit, “Down” and Extended Down, Loose Leash and Off-Leash Walking, “Come on” outside, off-leash, with distractions), “Place” and Extended Place, “Heel”, greeting manners (not jumping), waiting at doors and gates, waiting for meals, training with distractions;
-after completion of the training program, owner will be provided with a one-on-one session (2 hours). Owners/handlers will have the opportunity to discuss with the trainer what their dog does, and will be advised on how properly to control them.
Costs: $3400
10. Gainesville Canine Academy
Address: 4131 NW 13th Street Suite 104 Gainesville FL 32609
Phone: (352) 222-2017
Website: https://gainesvillecanineacademy.com/
Costs: Vary based on the program
• Group Classes:
1. Basic Obedience Class (Level 1)
-dogs must be at least 12 weeks old;
-6 week class;
-basic skills will be included in the program like: “Sit”, “Down”,, “Come”, “Leave it”, “Wait”, loose leash walking;
• Intermediate Obedience Class (Level 2)
-6 week class;
-the dog's reliability with all of the skills from the Level 1 class will be improved;
-increased levels of distraction, distance, and duration;
-new skills will be included: “Heel”, “Switch”, “Place”...etc;
• AKC Canine Good Citizen Class
-6 week class;
-each week will be practiced some of the 10 skills needed to pass;
-practice evaluation on week 5;
-there will be a $30 fee for official CGC evaluation on Week 6.
• AKC Star Puppy
-the information on puppy-raising includes: house-training, chewing, and training practical skills effectively.
• Service Dog Prep Class
-this program is designed for obedient dogs, who have passed the CGC;
-the program covers basics, laws and etiquette.
The organization provides service dog training for:
-Anxiety Service Dogs;
-PTSD Service Dogs
• Trick Dog Class
Costs: $150 for 6 weeks of instruction
Dogs adopted from a shelter, rescue group, or humane society will get $10 off each group class.
30 minutes evaluation in order to make sure which class will be most suitable will be charged $50 (in-person or online)
• Family dog Training
-training sessions will be conducted at handler’s home;
-custom training plan;
-focus on the individual dog's behavioral issues.
1 hour session- $125;
2 hour session-$250
• Therapy Dog Training
The program includes:
-AKC Therapy Dog Title;
-Therapy Dog Certification;
-AKC Temperament Test.
-This program begins with an evaluation at the first training session. It will last 90 minutes and will cost $190.
-$125 per one-hour training session.
• ESA Evaluations
-$50 for a half-hour evaluation and mini-training session;
-$125 for each hour-long training session.
There are also online training programs that will provide you with learning materials, professional pieces of advice and the opportunity to conduct the training process at your home. You may want to take a look at the courses that Service Dog Training School International offers here.
Service Dog Training School International
Address: Online Training School
Email address: info@servicedogtrainingonline.org, support@servicedogtrainingschool.org
Costs: Vary depending on the training program (from $179 to $599)
Service Dog Training School International offers various courses depending on the particular needs of the handlers. There is detailed information listed below each course including its learning plan in the “syllabus” section. Once handlers enroll in any of the training programs, they will have access to the learning materials for 24 months. Hence, each of the courses can be completed within 2 years. During the training process handlers will be supported by a personal tutor, who will give regular feedback and grade the training sessions. Upon completion handlers will be provided with a certificate- both a digital copy and a hard copy. The certificate is valid for a lifetime.
Handlers will benefit from theoretical and practical lessons, will learn different training techniques and train their dogs various commands. Basic terms like “service dog”, the tasks they can be trained to perform, their rights as well as the responsibilities of each handler, will be covered in the lessons along with basic and advanced training skills. Handlers will be able to train their canines easy commands like “Stay”, “Sit”, “Wait” as well as advanced techniques like Deep Pressure Therapy, Standing Up and Pushing a Cart, Detecting a Low Blood Sugar, depending on the chosen training program. Moreover, dogs will be trained to behave properly in public and have good manners.
Let's summarize the benefits from enrolling in any training program of Service Dog Training School International:
-24 months of access to the learning materials;
-personal tutor support;
-digital copy and a hard copy of the certificate upon completion;
-no breed, size, or weight restrictions. The school welcomes all dogs!
-handlers can learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their home;
-handlers can spend quality time with their furry friend, strengthen their bond and adapt the training process to their particular needs.
The Service Dog Training School offers the following training programs:
• Certified Intensive Service Dog Training Course
The course includes 8 modules:
First Week – Basic Knowledge of Service Dog
Second Week – Understanding your Service Dog
Third Week – Preparing for Training
Fourth & Fifth Week – First Phase Training (Basic Commands to Teach)
Sixth Week – Bark Training
Seventh Week – Mobility Service Dog Tasks
Eighth & Ninth Week – Advanced Training - Adding Drama with Clever Tricks
Tenth Week – Public Access
Final and Certification
• Certified Intensive Psychiatric Service Dog Training Course
The course 6 modules:
I The Definition of Psychiatric Service Dogs
II Preparation
III Obedience Training and Practice
V Screening Evaluation
Final and Certification
• Certified Intensive Diabetic Alert Service Dog Training Course
The course includes 13 modules:
Session 1 - The Definition of Diabetic Alert Dogs
Session 2 - Selecting a Dog for Diabetic Alert Dog Training
Session 3 - Prepare for Diabetic Alert Dogs Training
Session 4 - Diabetic Alert Dogs Training Basics
Session 5 - Obedience Training and Practice for Diabetic Alert Dogs
Session 6 - Focus Training for Diabetic Alert Dogs
Session 7 - Scent and Scenting
Session 8 - Getting Ready to Train for Low Blood Sugar
Session 9 - Imprinting
Session 10 - Start the Scent Work Training
Session 11 - Alerting without the Cue
Session 12 - Night Time Alert Training
Session 13 - High Blood Sugar Scent Training
Final and Certification
• Certified Therapy Dog Training Course
The course includes 8 modules:
Lesson 1 - The Definition of Therapy Dogs
Lesson 2 - Which Dogs Can Be Therapy Dogs
Lesson 3 - Basic Principles & Commands for Therapy Dogs
Lesson 4 - First Things First - Pick Up the Therapy Dogs
Lesson 5 - First Things to Teach Your Therapy Dog
Lesson 6 - Public Access Training
Lesson 7 - Essential Skills for Any Therapy Dog Work
Lesson 8 - The Tasks of the Therapy Dog Handler
• Certified Emotional Support Dog Training Package [Certificate + Registration ID]
The course includes 10 modules:
Session 1 – The Definition of Emotional Support Dogs
Session 2 – Understand Your Dog
Session 3 – How A Dog Learns
Session 4 – General Care for Your Dog
Session 5 – Bond with Your Emotional Support Dogs
Session 6 – Basic Obedience Training
Session 7 – Eliminate Bad Behaviors
Session 8 – Emotional Training
Session 9 – Behavior in a Public Setting
Session 10 – Final
• Certified Companion Dog Training Course for Autism Children
The course includes:
1 - Introduction
2 - The benefits of companion dogs aiding children with Autism Disorder
3 - How to choose a Service / Companion / Therapy Dog for your autistic child
4 - Type of dog breeds not suitable for autistic children
5 - Dog Breeds suited to become companion dogs for autistic children
6 - General Care for Your Dog
7 - Tiny and Small Size Dog
8 - Medium to Large Size Dog
9 - Five TOP teachings
10 - Children Joining In The Training
11 - Eye Contact
12 - Walk and Stay Beside You
13 - Preparation
14 - Conversation Skills
15 - Emotional Disruption Tasks